Monday, February 27, 2012

Best Surveillance System In India

Imagine the capability of monitoring your business or valuable assets in India while you are in Bangkok or Dubai or Las Vegas for holidays,

VMukti Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is making your life more comfortable with the newly invented centralized surveillance and traffic monitoring system. Travel anywhere and monitor your security needs from remote place through the centralized CCTV that you can access globally. One can Stream videos directly to a networked computer or over the internet.

Online CCTV for travel lover
Keep an eye on your home, office, cars, and valuables. Watch your pets. Watch your kids. Keep an eye on your nanny or babysitter. Best of all you can do this from any location in the world via internet! The Government, Police, and factory owners can utilize the new CCTV based security system designed with user friendly design. The centralized surveillance and traffic monitoring system that we developed is aimed at your freedom of movements. Monitoring of buildings or offices for security through Mobile Surveillance system is not just possibility but a handy tool.

·         Cloud based secure system developed especially for the online security camera.
·         Support high latency of online security camera video capture.
·         Access your security camera when you are abroad.
·         You will get multi video feed at one time.
·         HQ video remote CCTV surveillance at 2g Data card/256 kbps bandwidth.
·         Monitor your remote CCTV through Windows, Android and iPhone.
·         HQ recording of the videos at source (remote CCTV) & control center.
·         Instant setup of Mobile Surveillance Software.
·         Easy to use for reliable day to day operation.

Surveillance Software for government organizations.
       This latest tool could also be used in a wholly invasive way and could fly in the pace of the role of the Police to facilitate. It is very useful to government and law enforcement to maintain social control, recognize and monitor threat, and prevent/investigate criminal activities. The technology is being used by public and private entities to prevent and discourage crime.

·         Monitor city’s traffic activities.
·         Link up all the police branches to the headquarters.
·         Monitor the most happening and crowded events in the city.

Feed will be viewable from anywhere in the world.

VMukti Solutions proposes to implement real time intelligent city surveillance. We have setupmobile internet based Police Station Surveillance and Centralized Surveillance System. Mobilepolice vans and police stations will carry VMukti’s compact surveillance kits and can monitor allmajor as well as small parts of the city. Cops will be given the training to deploy the technologyby us.
·         Intelligent Surveillance kit is featured with auto recovery and auto start functionality.
·         Monitor the disturbed areas or suspicious establishment in city for the search of antisocial elements.
·         It makes easier to monitor the movement on the main roads as part of a state-level plan to fight terror.
·         You will get extremely smooth and non freezing video feed at just 150 kbps with the high latency and without any proprietary hardware requirement.
·         You can zoom in on objects.
·         It allows the citizens to feel safe and secure till late night as all the activities are monitored by cops.
·         This compact and portable broadcasting kit will broadcast the real time view on the web directly to the Police control office.
·         Supports high latency of online security camera video capture.
·         Device independent.
·         Secure cloud based system for online security camera.
·         HQ recording at source and control centre.
·         Multi feed with zoom in functionality.
·         Access your security camera from anywhere in the world.
·         Auto recovery and auto start features.
·         HQ video remote CCTV surveillance on 2g data cards/250 kbps bandwidth.
·         Instant setup of security kit.
·         Cloud based hosted SAAS service

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